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Macadamia oil is very high in omega 6 and omega 9 which are very nourishing and will help to maintain hydration and relieve dry skin. Macadamia has anti-inflammatory properties so is a fantastic ingredient to treat tender, inflamed, or irritated skin.

Magnesium is a mineral that is vital for so many reactions in the body. It helps to reduce cortisol levels - the hormone responsible for stress, which in turn helps to minimise inflammation, sensitivity, breakouts and lack of sleep. It can be applied directly onto the skin or taken as an oral supplement.

Malic acid is sourced from apples and is an alpha hydroxy acid. Like all alpha-hydroxy acids, it does have exfoliating properties but on top of this, it also aids hydration and has antioxidant properties providing protection.

Mandelic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid sourced from almonds. The interesting feature of this particular acid is the fact that even though it is AHA it can behave like BHA. It is suitable for most skin types and can be used all year round.

It has exfoliating properties, encouraging cell turnover and has antimicrobial properties which can help reduce acne-causing bacteria so it is specifically helpful with acne, congestion and pigmented skin, therefore, works great for post-summer skin that need glow and evening out the skin tone.

Manuka oil, sourced from the manuka flower, has been used for centuries by the Maori tribe for wound healing. It is a potent antibacterial agent and has also been shown to assist in wound healing.

Marula oil is a plant-derived oil. It has high levels of vitamin C and E, omega 3 fatty acids as well as being antimicrobial. It is sourced from the marula plant which is indigenous to Southern and Western Africa.

Meadowfoam seed oil has a similar composition to sebum. This means it can effectively moisturise the skin as well as control oil production in more oily skin types. It is also rich in antioxidants, protecting the skin from free radical damage. 

Mechanical exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells through physical action. Examples of mechanical exfoliation include scrubs, microfibre cloths, or more intensive forms such as microdermabrasion.

Medical needling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a safe advanced technique to encourage collagen production and cell regeneration which contributes to improving skin ageing, textural imperfections and irregularities in the skin’s appearance. The treatment aim is to create a controlled trauma to the dermis of the skin by penetrating using fine sterile needles generating a number of microchannels. The natural skin response of wound healing leads to tissue remodelling which creates a thickening in the skin which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, pore refinement, uneven skin tone and superficial scarring. The microchannels created by the treatment also provide an absorption route to deliver active ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin allowing us to maximise their function and achieve superior results. Medical needling requires moderate downtime (up to 3 days) which means your post-procedure results are quickly achieved. Another great advantage of medical needling is the treatment is safe and effective in every skin type but should be carried out by an experienced practitioner. To ensure we maximise your comfort during the procedure a topical anaesthetic may be applied by your therapist. Medical needling is a form of skin remodelling.

Melasma is a form of hyperpigmentation that is closely related to hormones. It presents itself as a symmetrical pattern of brown patches often on the forehead, nose, cheeks, upper lip and chin. It can occur during pregnancy (known as pregnancy mask) but can also develop whilst breastfeeding, taking hormonal contraceptives, HRT, or even during ovulation. Melasma is exacerbated by heat and its for this reason that it cannot be treated by many laser led treatments such as IPL.

Uses professional aesthetic machines to allow the faster and deeper penetration of active substances in the dermis. It uniquely opens temporary channels in the dermis, therefore allowing the passing of active ingredients with a low molecular weight. Mesoporation is used as an alternative to mesotherapy, which involves the use of needles - therefore giving those with a fear of needles an opportunity to achieve better results. Mesoporation provides a plethora of benefits to the skin. With the use of low molecular weight active ingredients to specifically target certain conditions, it improves skin tone, diminishes wrinkles and improves sagging skin, gives great anti-ageing effects, deeply hydrates and has a lifting effect.

Microdermabrasion uses fine crystal and vacuum to mechanically exfoliate the skin. It works by using tiny crystals to remove dead skin cells and other impurities. By removing the top layer of skin, it triggers an injury response, encouraging your skin to renew faster. At Pfeffer Sal, we don’t personally believe in microdermabrasion as we feel it is too harsh on the skin and prefer chemical or laser resurfacing techniques. 

Milia are little keratin and fat deposits trapped under the skin membrane. They have no channel to leave the skin so appear as while bumps on the surface of the skin. They cannot be squeezed out and must be removed through gentle ongoing exfoliation or lanced by a skincare professional.

The microbiome is the genetic material of all the microbes - bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses - that live on and inside the human body. The microbiome is essential for human development, immunity and nutrition. 

On the one hand, Mineral Oil is lightweight, cheap, safe for most skin types and typically doesn’t cause allergic reactions. What’s more, it is an occlusive agent meaning it won’t allow water to leave the skin and therefore stops dehydration in its tracks. Hello beautifully moisturised complexion! But on the other hand, despite being labelled ‘natural’ because it comes from the earth, the way it is extracted, processed and refined causes concern for the environment. These oils are extracted as part of the petro-chemical industry, they are non-renewable and add to the exploitation of the earth for fossil fuel. In short, by the time mineral oils used for skincare have been extensively purified, there isn’t much of their ‘natural’ origin left and the purifying process negatively impacts our planet. Here at Pfeffer Sal we don’t believe Mineral Oils are the be-all and end-all for fabulous skin so we don’t use it in our products - there are plenty of environmentally-friendly alternatives out there.

Mineral based sunscreens work by reflecting the sunlight away from the skin. The active ingredient in mineral sunscreens are zinc or titanium oxide and the tiny particles act as a shield on the skin, blocking the UV rays before they are able to penetrate the skin and cause photodamage. As zinc oxide is also an anti inflammatory,, mineral sunscreens are usually more gentle than chemical based sunscreens and therefore more suited for sensitive skin.

Modified Jessner is a combined peel formulated with a precise combination of chemical exfoliants including salicylic acid, lactic acid and citric acid. It is safe for all skin types. This synergistic combination of acids means it’s perfect the most common skin concerns of skin ageing, expression lines, loss of firmness and the improvement of mild pigmented areas. This is why it is perfect as part of our glow and go treatment, getting you ready for any occasion.

A mole occurs when a collection of melanocytes (pigment producing cells) grow in a tight knit group rather than evenly throughout the skin. Moles appear as small darker areas in the skin and can be flat or slightly raised above the skin. Whilst the majority of moles are harmless, if there are any shape or colour changes it’s important to see a doctor or specialist to check they are benign.


Near InfraRed is an invisible wavelength of light that is used to treat a variety of conditions in light led treatments such as LED or laser. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties making it fantastic for wound healing. It accelerates cell repair and the release of growth factors and is clinically proven to treat hyperpigmentation by reducing melanin production. When harnessed correctly, it is also able to achieve dermal heating, resulting in the contraction of skin fibres and collagen stimulation for an overall skin tightening effect. 

The idea behind needling is to create tiny little micro punctures to the skin to allow wonderful aminos and vitamins into the surface (micro) OR create controlled trauma to stimulate collagen and regeneration (medical). 

There are many different needling devices that may be used: derma rollers, electric dermapens and derma-stamps. The treatment name and effect can vary depending on the length of needles used. At Pfeffer Sal, we use an advanced medical device called Skin Pen that provides a high frequency microneedling. It is the only FDA certified devise and can claim zero contamination. Medical skin-needling is an established clinical procedure used as a key treatment for acne scars, open pores, sun damage, facial and décolletage lines and wrinkles. More superficial needling promotes more supple hydrated skin and contributes to a milder skin rejuvenation effect with minimum downtime.

Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3.It is the most bio available form out of the group of vitamin B due to its high stability. Vitamins from this group are particularly famous for their soothing and healing properties 

It plays an important role in strengthening and maintaining the skin barrier by increasing the production of ceramides – the building blocks of our barrier. It helps to regulate oil production as well as being a melanin suppressant for a more even skin tone. It’s also incredibly hydrating, anti-inflammatory, brightening and helps the skin retain its natural moisture.


The Observ is a skin analysis tool that uses specific wavelengths of light to expose underlying skin conditions that may not be visible to the naked eye. It takes 6 images of the skin, each of which exposes different underlying skin conditions such as inflammation, oil flow, skin texture, and pigmentation.The scans provide you and your dermal therapist with a future overview of strengths and weaknesses so we can tailor your treatment plan and regimen to include not only what your skin needs now, but what it will need soon. Think of it as your skin fortune teller!

A synthetic peptide which is comprised of 13 amino acids- the building blocks of protein in the body. It is used in products to reduce hyperpigmentation by limiting the production of specific enzymes that are essential for the synthesis of melanin, the pigment in your skin.

Omega fatty acids are a fundamental skin ingredient that can contribute to a healthy skin barrier function and an improved skin cell function. Omega fatty acids contribute to skin cell membrane integrity which influences our cells ability to retain water which results in improved skin appearance and function. Topical application of omegas not only supports the skin strength but also helps fight against external stressors and environmental damage that can lead to inflammation and accelerated skin ageing. The level of essential fatty acids also declines with age which can leave the skin feeling dry, flaky and lack lustre. Feeding the skin from the outside in with omegas can provide the epidermis and dermis with a top up of essential hydrating and moisturizing benefits that will contribute to a radiant and glowing complexion. We recommend also introducing omegas into your diet as oral supplementation as when consumed in conjunction with topical application a fantastic synergy an acceleration of your results is achieved.

Organic silicon is a trace element of silica and is formed of silicon and oxygen. It stabilises and maintains connective tissue through stimulating fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin regenerating the skin and improving skin texture. It also prevents the decomposition of fats and oils through oxidation, thus preventing the release of free radicals that cause damage to skin cells.

Oxybenzone is a chemical sunscreen that when applied to skin absorbs UVA rays(the rays responsible for photoaging) before your skin can. There has been some controversy around oxybenzone as a 2015 study has shown that it can limit the growth of young corals, therefore contributing to the demise of our coral reefs around the world. For this reason, it is banned in Hawaii and we don’t stock any sunscreens with oxybenzone in either.

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